The Shipyard Carried Out A Series of Activities Called “Sending Cool in Summer”



During these hot days, on July 11th, the shipyard labor union specifically carried out the “Sending Cool in Summer” condolence activities, distributed heatstroke prevention goods to employees of the shipyard, and expressed care and condolences in practical ways.

On behalf of the shipyard labor union, Ye Weiping, deputy director of the shipyard, appreciated the front-line employees working hard in hot day, never give up in the face of difficulties, and emphasized the importance of  heatstroke prevention measures in hot day and firmly establish safety production defense lines.

Another activity, themed “Sending Cool in Summer”, is to regularly provide free summer drinks such as mung bean soup for front-line employees at the entrance and exit of the production area by the cafeteria and safety department, which reflects the shipyard's care for front-line employees while sending cool in summer.

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